Analysis and transformation of texts (even in the free version): multiple replacements of words, evaluation of extracted data, conversion and much more. Projects can be tested step by step. Ready projects can be applied to single texts interactively. The integrated transformation manager transforms arbitrary groups of files, e.g. whole directories. Parsers also can be exported as c++ code.
Publisher description
The TextTransformer can analyze texts and transform them. For this you have to write simple rules describing the structure of the source text and determining how the parts it shall be transformed to the target text. A single rule for example is enough to make multiple replacements of words. Existing examples can be modified to achieve quick results. Every change can be tested immediately. For this, the TextTransformer allows stepwise transformations in a debugger, where you can see immediately what happens. So the development even of complex programs becomes a game. Simple rules can be combined to arbitrary complex programs. Even grammars of programming languages can be described, e.g. to translate them into another one. The free version (not time limited) has nearly all possibilities to analyze texts and to transform them. After you have installed the TextTransformer, the functionality of the standard version (see below) can be tested for 30 days. The standard version has an additional transformation manager to transform groups of files interactively. This version also has augmented interpreter capabilities: subexpressions of tokens can be accessed and containers can be used. In the professional version of the TextTransformer a ready transformation program can be exported as c++-code for use in other software products. The key features of the TextTransformer summarized: Extended LL(1)-top down technology Definitions of text elements by regular expressions in POSIX style Definitions of grammar rules syntactically as meta regular expressions Skipping irrelevant parts of text by means of the SKIP-symbol Integrated debugger Integrated simple c++ interpreter Syntax highlighting Type checking and immediate finding of errors Automatically testing Interactivity, to translate selected parts of the text Transformation manager to handle file groups Commandline version Extensive documentation
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